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Spring 2024
• Tom Skipp plays a theatre director in a new film being made by Pablo Llorca. The actors in the film are seen rehearsing Tom Skipp's "Tadeusz Kantor in the Prado Museum". A wonderful example of metacinema.
• Tom Skipp "Metamorphosis" gets another screening at the Cines Embajadores on the 9th of May 19.30. To buy tickets Click here
• Juanjo Bueno has interviewed Tom Skipp about his new documusical film "Metamorphosis"for the Idealista Read interview

Spring / Summer 2023 (The healing continues)
• Tom Skipp has filmed a new music video for the band Indigo Days. The video was filmed on a sunny day during San Isidro festivities in the Casino de la Reina park in the trendy Lavapies area of Madrid.
• Tom Skipp plays a short acting role in Pablo Llorca's new film called "The film of Iron and Snow". The scene takes place inside a train. Pablo Llorca's website

Spring / Summer 2022 (A year of renewal)
• The premiere of "Metamorphosis", Tom Skipp's new documentary musical feature, will be held on 20th October at 20.30 at the Cine Renoir Princesa in Madrid. Advance online ticket are available from the box office now.
• Javier Chavarría is designing the poster for "Metamorphosis" Tom Skipp's new docu-musical filmed in Madrid's Plaza de España over the last 3 years.
•Tom Skipp's documentary "When a Line goes for a Walk" will be screened at Cruce (Calle Doctor Fourquet, 5, Madrid) on 28th May and 4th of June. The film lasts 90 mins and features 6 artists based in Madrid. The screening is free and will be attended by some of the artists. Tickets need to be booked here eventbrite website.
• The documentary has also been screened in Madrid at the ESNE, in Madrid, on April 27

Spring 2022
• Tom Skipp will appear in a role in Pablo Llorca's new film which will be shot in May in Berlin and Prague.
• Editing is being completed on Tom Skipp hybrid documentary/Musical filmed in Madrid's Plaza de España.
• "Stormwater" will be shown on three screens at Roca Madrid Gallery on the 22 march. More details here
• Voces en Off sessions at Cruce have restarted.
• Tom Skipp is going to direct the stage musical "The Three Sopranos".
• The videoart piece that Tom Skipp was comissioned to make by PluralEnsemble, one of Spain's premier music ensembles, will be premiered in Tel Aviv. The piece is made to accompany Fabián Panisello's chamber opera "Les Rois Mages".

The year 2021
• "Tadeusz Kantor in the Prado Museum" will be screened (4 sessions) at the Palacete del Embarcadero in Santander. It's the first time the film has been shown in Santander and the director will attend the screenings (17th and 18th of June). More info available here in an article published in the newspaper El Díario Montañés
• A promo video of a new musical production directed by singer Alain Damas (famous for his role in "El Médico") and produced by Siete Estrellas has been created by Tom Skipp.
• The videoartist's long-term project at Madrid's Plaza de España will be completed at the end of 2021. Skipp has been filming in the temporary spaces created on the massive building site in the heart of the city of Madrid since 2019. He even filmed some scenes as storm Philomena passed through Madrid.
• Some short videos of soprano Susanna Wolff filmed by Tom Skipp and recorded at the ORCAM reheasal space in Madrid have been made available.
• Voces en Off sessions at Cruce have been postponed due to Covid19.
• Work has finished on creating an hour-long videoart piece for PluralEnsemble

Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter 2020 (Year of living dangerously)
• FIlming continues on Tom Skipp's project at Madrid's Plaza de España. At the end of July he will film singers Rodrigo Guerrero, Laura Fernández Alcalde, Juana Molinero and Emiliano Cano Díaz performing early music in various spaces in the square.
• PluralEnsemble have posted some videos made by Tom Skipp on their website.
• Tom Skipp has filmed some short videos for soprano Susanna Wolff at the ORCAM reheasal space in Madrid. Links coming soon.
• A selection of Tom Skipp's films will be available on the online video archive PLAT. More news soon.

Autumn / Winter 2019
• "Kantor in the Prado Museum" was screened at Cruce, Dr. Fourquet, 5. The screening was organized as part of Cruce's 25 anniversary celebrations. Rehearsals for the film were originally took place at Cruce's venue in 2015. The video was subsequently filmed entirely inside the Prado Museum.
• Tom Skipp has filmed PluralEnsemble, one of Spain's premier music ensemble, performing "Les Rois Mages" in Nice at the Théâtre National.
• Tom Skipp is collaborating with the Spanish NGO Solidarios on his videoart project "Architecture of the Homeless". FIlming is planned to begin this winter.
• In 2020, Tom Skipp will screen his film "Tadeusz Kantor in the Prado Museum" for the first time in Santander. More information to follow soon.
• In October a new programme of screenings of Voces en Off was shown at Cruce, Madrid's most veteran alternative venue. The event, organized by Fernando Carbonell and Tom Skipp, comprised 2 sessions devoted to filmmakers Roxana Popelka and Celia Dosal.

Spring / Summer 2019
• Tom Skipp has filmed a documentary about artist Rakel Ubago in her studio in the Basque Country. The video features txalaparta music.
• A new programme of screenings of Voces en Off begins on Sept 28 with 2 sessions devoted to video artist Lisi Prada. The screenings will be held at Cruce, Dr.Fourquet, 5.
• Editing has just finished of Ruben Reina's concert earlier this year at the Monumental Theatre Madrid. The pieces performed include compositions by Brahms, Khachaturian and Reinecke.
• Tom Skipp has filmed an emotional homage to theatre director Gustavo Tambascio who passed away recently. The show was organized by Bruno and Irlanda Tambascio at the Teatro Gran Vía in Madrid.
• Tom Skipp has met and interviewed Antonio Amengual director of zarzuelas, now retired, as part of research for a zarzuela-based musical film set in Madrid.contemporary
• Tom Skipp has given workshops at the Estrella Toledano School in the Moraleja Madrid.

Spring - Winter 2018
• Tom Skipp has made a promo video for singer Alain Damas (famous for his role in "El Médico").
Spanish pop group La Bien Querida performed a concert in IKEA in San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid. Irlanda Tambascio and Tom Skipp made the video of the event.
• Tom Skipp has organized a new season of screenings of Voces en Off with Fernando Carbonell at Cruce Arte y Pensamiento (C/ Dr. Fourquet, 5, near the Reina Sofía Museum). Johanna Speidel will screen her films in 2 different sessions and answer questions from the audience. More info
• The song "Your World Collapse" by the French electro-pop duo Safe & Sound which Tom Skipp has directed has been released online you can watch it here.
• Tom Skipp is finishing editing a new music video for Cristina Dominguez.

Autumn / Winter 2017
• On the 22nd of November at 20.00, 3 new videos by Tom Skipp will be shown in "Cecilia" at Cruce Arte y Pensamiento (C/ Dr. Fourquet, 5, near the Reina Sofía Museum). The soprano Laura Fernández Alcalde and Beatriz de la Banda will perfom "Tonos Humanos del XVII" live. Entrance fee 7 euros. More info
• Tom Skipp is filming a music video for the song "Your World Collapse" by the French electro-pop duo Safe & Sound. Editing will start very soon.
• Tom Skipp will read a paper and show extracts of his films in Santiago de Compostela on 28th of November. More info here
• Editing continues on "When a Lines goes for a Walk", a documentary about 6 Spanish illustrators

Spring / Summer 2017
• Tom Skipp has filmed a series of promos for Karoo Teatro's new production "La Manada". The award-winning play set in contemporary South Africa play is written by Daniel Dimeco.
• Tom Skipp has organized a new season of screenings of Voces en Off with Fernando Carbonell, devoted to Spanish film director Pablo Llorca at Cruce Arte y Pensamiento (C/ Dr. Fourquet, 5, near the Reina Sofía Museum ): the second session was devoted to Alfred Hitchcock as Llorca had curated the recent Hitchcock exhibition at the Telefónica Foundation space in Madrid.
• Two performances by the Spanish duo of singer Laura Fernández Alcalde and pianist Irene de Juan Bernabeu have been filmed. The first at the Ateneo de Madrid and the second at the Teatro Corrala in Alcalá de Henares. Laura is the soprano who sang in Tom Skipp's "Stormwater".
• The video "Stormwater" was screened at the Eugenio Trias library in the Retiro Park to celebrate International Water Day. An opportunity to meet up with old friends as artist Felix de la Concha attended the show.
• Tom Skipp has also filmed a promo of "Aderezo Musical" at the Conde Duque Arts Centre, Madrid.
Pedro Crespo de Lara's speech on his appointment to the Academy of Jurisprudence in Madrid has been filmed by Tom Skipp as a documentary.


DEVOTIONS, "Variable, and therefore miserable condition of man! this minute I was well, and am ill, this minute. I am surprised with a sudden change, and alteration to worse, and can impute it to no cause, nor call it by any name". John Donne "Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions".

Kantor in the Prado Museum

TADEUSZ KANTOR IN THE PRADO MUSEUM, NEW Kantor’s ghost visits the Prado Museum. He finds himself in front of the works of art that inspired his own paintings and his theatre. Past and present intermingle – the Napoleonic occupation of Spain and the Nazi and Soviet occupations of Poland. Memory comes alive in Tom Skipp’s special tribute to this artist on his 100th birthday.


STORMWATER, Filmed inside the biggest underground storm water deposit in Europe. Awarded a prize by Matadero Madrid Art Centre. The film features 3 singers and La Trova Choir.

Krapp's Last Tape

KRAPP'S LAST TAPE, New screen version of 'Krapp's Last Tape' approved by the Samuel Beckett Estate. 'The actor is perfect' according to Beckett's Literary executor. This film was selected to be shown at the Centre George Pompidou, Paris, in the Beckett exhibition (2007).


DOGS, Filmed inside the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum in Madrid.

Tom Skipp

TOM SKIPP, British videoartist lives in Madrid, Spain. Began working as a theatre actor and director before switching to film in 2000. He has also organized a number of art exhibitions including "The Theatre of Memory" at Telefonica. His work has been shown at film festivals and art institutions around the world.



KÖSHER, Fashion film.
KÖSHER features food, Jewish humour, inspiration from Chagall's paintings and the fabrics of Russian Constructivist theatre. This portrait of small everyday rituals is infused by a special Tolstoyan simplicity and a foreshadowing of Revolution. The various moments of the day in this domestic microcosm are accompanied by Sefardi and Ashkenazi songs which encourage us to dance, eat or while away the hours.


SOMETHING OLD, A mysterious woman sits waiting. Machinery grinds into movement. She performs a kind of trick... her long hair seems to have a life of its own. The action moves inexorably forward to the strange rhythm of an accordion playing a slow tango.


TADEUSZ KANTOR exhibtion, information about the Stage of Memory exhibition which Tom Skipp curated.

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